Elizabeth Hayley: Malleable Objects at Snape Maltings
Elizabeth Hayley: Malleable Objects, at Snape Maltings
11th June - 9th July
Venue: The Gallery at Snape Maltings
Elizabeth Hayley's extraordinary photographs of The Maltings and other traditional environments such as mills and boatyards, are here presented in large scale on metal, including the steel used in boat hulls which provides a strong yet fragile foundation.
Though she lives locally, Hayley has previously exhibited in Paris and London and so we are delighted to welcome her to the Gallery at Snape Maltings and pleased that she took as one of her subjects those Maltings buildings which are yet to be restored.
The images Hayley creates are malleable too, through the process she invokes and her use of hand-brushed marks in photographic emulsion and the layered tones of her work. The insights she reveals, glimpses into a disappearing world of places and objects over a century old and her focus on their struggle to survive, is fascinating, as is the development of these spaces and structures to support new uses.