Conor Harrington: Grab Your Guise - Limited Edition Print Release
We are very pleased to have completed our first screen-print edition with London-based artist Conor Harrington. "Grab Your Guise" is due to be released by Hungryboy Books this July and is the publishers first fine art print from Harrington.
Elizabeth Hayley: Malleable Objects at Snape Maltings
Elizabeth Hayley's debuts extraordinary photographs of The Maltings and other traditional environments at her solo exhibition at the Snape Maltings Gallery.
Elizabeth Hayley exhibits in "Visible Traces" with Julian Page Fine Art
Visible Traces, a four artist show featuring Elizabeth Hayley, Robinson/McMahon, Ian Stephenson & Jayne Wilton runs from 12-17 April 2016 at Clerkenwell Green, London, EC1R ODP.
Chloë Manasseh exhibits in Fruits of the Lûm, the first exhibition by Tzuzjj
Chloë Manasseh exhibits in Fruits of the Lûm, the first group exhibition by Tžužjj.
Katherine Jones - Xenotopia - Gibberd Gallery
From Friday November 6 to Thursday December 17, 2015, Katherine Jones will be exhibiting new work in :Xenotopia at the Gibberd Gallery, Harlow.
James Seow reveals Riverlight Award – The Garden Path V
James Seow debuts his latest addition to The Garden Path series, with The Garden Path V, commissioned by Roger Stirk Harbour + Partners as part of the Royal College of Art, Riverlight Award.
James Seow - The Garden Path Series
Atelier Ji present the first two, limited edition prints from James Seow's "Garden Path" Series.
John Simpson's "Omega and The Bear" - NEW RELEASE
This week sees the release of John Simpson's new serigraph, Omega and The Bear. This is Simpson's first publication commissioned by leading contemporary print publisher Eyestorm.
Elizabeth Hayley prepares new editions for Pascaline Mulliez Galerie
Atelier JI are excited to be creating two new editions with RCA artist and printmaker Elizabeth Hayley.
Katherine Jones embarks on a new series
Katherine Jones RE wins two prestigious printmaking awards and embarks on a new series of etchings with Atelier Ji.